Sunday, May 5, 2013

CLICK for Louis "because you can"!!


It is ALS Awareness Month May 2013 and I have decided to feature this young man's battle on my  blog !!

"People with advanced ALS cannot click a mouse with their finger like we can, so the family are asking that people CLICK FOR LOUIS 100 thousand times by voting LIKE BUTTON on his video story to support Louis and also raise awareness."


Louis is young "just 29" and inlove with Nicole, Louise wanted to have in life what so many of us take for granted each day because Louis is living with the terminal disease ALS. He loves but cannot hold Nicole, he cannot kiss her, he cannot speak to her of his love verbally, he cannot do the normal everyday things a young man of twenty nine would do in a day. One day I hope as all do in the ALS community that the words TERMINAL DISEASE will no longer be used in the same sentence with ALS, until that day comes ALS will continue to be the most cruelist, devastating, life stealing disease. Here on this webpage you can read updates about Louis's brave battle here : 


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