Tuesday, July 10, 2012

                                          PHOTO ROTH & JASON

Please join Jason Becker for his birthday celebration July 22nd, watch the video for details.

I personally was very upset with the line in the TED movie " Hope you get Lou Gehrig's disease", I felt that it squashed  & demeaned ALS disease, the ALS community as a whole gets little support, this careless movie line undermined the horrifying affects of ALS and what it does to the patient & their loved ones, my personal feelings are summed up in this recent post READ HERE:  http://als-advocacy.blogspot.com/2012/07/dear-seth-macfarlane-you-give-us-way.html

Dominic Is The Youngest Person With ALS

Dominic Cumo is just eight years old, he is a darling child & most folks would say "how can he have ALS"? he is just eight years old, isn't ALS an old persons disease?"?. ALS knows know age, creed, color or religion, it cares not if you are rich or poor, famous of infamous, it strikes like a snake fast and furious. Here is Dominic's recent story: http://www.mydesert.com/article/20120628/NEWS01/206270369


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